HP Cotton Casuals Pvt Ltd

Driven to excel

Reinventing ourselves and raising quality standards

HP Cotton Casuals Pvt Ltd is a vertically integrated set-up, from knitting to garmenting, delivering world-class fabrics and garments. We specialise in producing 100% high-quality and eco-friendly cotton fabrics and garments subject to stringent quality checks employing multiple yarns and knitted fabrics to cater to the diversified niche markets worldwide.
50 +
Years of textile experience
3000 +
20 +
Years in fabric/garment export
20 +
Years as a vertically integrated unit
7 +
lakh sq feet of production area Professionals with industrial expertise

HP Cotton Strategic Advantages


Water Accessibility

Access to ample water sources with salinity levels suitable for various manufacturing processes.

Better Connectivity

Kolkata is well connected by road, sea and airways, enabling quick dispatch.

Cost-efficient Labour

Excellent access to cost-efficient and skilled resources which works to our advantage.

Modern Facility

We stay-tuned to market demands and invest appropriately in the latest machinery and equipment.
Our Quality


Creating a positive impact on the environment with sustainable practices